How to Get Rid of Grease

Kitchen hood

Grease buildup can be a persistent and unsightly problem, whether you're managing a busy restaurant kitchen or maintaining your home. Not only does grease create a slippery and hazardous environment, but it can also lead to clogged pipes and unpleasant odors if not properly addressed. In this guide, we'll explore effective methods for removing grease safely and efficiently, catering to both homeowners and commercial restaurant owners.

Why is Grease Buildup Bad?

Before diving into solutions, it's crucial to understand what grease is and why it's so stubborn. Grease, typically derived from cooking oils and fats, is a viscous substance that solidifies as it cools, clinging to surfaces such as countertops, stovetops, exhaust hoods, and pipes. In commercial kitchens, grease buildup can accumulate rapidly, posing fire hazards and health risks if not managed promptly. Similarly, in homes, grease can accumulate on kitchen surfaces and within drainage systems, causing blockages and foul smells.

How Homeowners Can Get Rid of Grease

If you’re a homeowner looking for tips on how to get rid of grease, give these DIY steps a try. 

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with vinegar and apply it to grease-stained surfaces. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or brush. The abrasive action of baking soda combined with the acidic properties of vinegar helps break down and lift grease.

Dish Soap and Hot Water

For everyday cleaning, use a mixture of dish soap and hot water to dissolve grease. Soak greasy pans and utensils in hot, soapy water to loosen the residue before washing as usual.


Commercial degreasers are available in spray or liquid form and are specifically formulated to break down grease. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and ensure proper ventilation when using these products indoors.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaners are highly effective at removing grease from various surfaces, including countertops, stovetops, and oven interiors. The high temperature of steam helps to emulsify grease, making it easier to wipe away.

How Restaurant Owners Can Get Rid of Grease

If you’re a commercial property owner who needs grease removal tips, give these a try. 

Professional Cleaning Services

Engage the services of professional kitchen cleaning companies, like Northern Gulf Services, that specialize in degreasing commercial kitchens. These professionals have the expertise and equipment to tackle tough grease buildup on exhaust hoods, filters, ductwork, and kitchen surfaces.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Implement a regular maintenance schedule for cleaning kitchen equipment, exhaust systems, and surrounding areas. Consistent cleaning prevents grease buildup and ensures compliance with health and safety regulations.

Invest in Quality Equipment

Use commercial-grade equipment designed to withstand heavy use and facilitate easy cleaning. Stainless steel surfaces are easier to clean and maintain than porous materials that trap grease.

Grease Traps and Interceptors

Install and maintain grease traps and interceptors to capture grease before it enters the drainage system. Regularly empty and clean these devices to prevent blockages and odors.

Additional Tips for Grease Removal

Whether you’re managing your home kitchen or a commercial kitchen, here are additional tips for grease removal. 

Preventive Measures

Minimize grease buildup by wiping down surfaces immediately after cooking and using splatter guards to contain oil and grease.

Proper Disposal

Dispose of grease and cooking oil responsibly by collecting them in sealed containers and recycling them at designated collection points. Avoid pouring grease down drains, as it can solidify and cause blockages.

Educate Staff

Train kitchen staff on proper cleaning procedures and the importance of maintaining a clean and grease-free environment. Encourage teamwork and accountability in keeping the kitchen clean and organized.

By implementing these strategies, homeowners and commercial restaurant owners can effectively combat grease buildup and maintain a clean and safe environment. Remember, consistency is key to preventing grease-related problems in the long term.


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